Tuesday, July 26, 2016

July 18th - Visit to the Tippecanoe County Fair

On Monday, July 18th, we were able to take Dean on his first visit to the Tippecanoe County Fair.  It was sheep show day and "Pops" (my Dad, Bill) was so excited to show Dean his sheep.  The son of a family friend was showing Dad's Southdowns and won champion and reserve in the breed!  We walked around to see all the animals with Grandma Gail and Grandpa Joe too.

Dean and Daddy pet a horsey!

Petting the horsey with Grandma Gail.

Dean and Pops take a rest outside the chicken/rabbit barn.

Riding the Champion Southdown Ewe!

So soft!

Thankfully Aunt Katie arrived before we had to head home!

It was a special evening and hopefully the first of many visits to the fair!  Dean was so tuckered out he didn't even stay awake on the short drive back to our house.  He had a great time.  Maybe Dean will be a 4-Her someday!