Monday, June 16, 2014

Pine Lake 2014 - Day #3

   Monday morning we were up bright and early to pack for our canoe trip.  Towels, sunblock, water, beer, snacks, dog treats, binoculars, and bug spray - lots of bug spray - we're gathered together and put into my bag.  Alison, Will, Patrick, and I left at 8:40 and arrived at Horina Canoe Rentals a little after 9.  Mr. Horina was extremely nice and personable, even when Ruby jumped up into the front seat to stick her head out the window! (Patrick was supposed to be watching her.)
We dropped off the truck at the unloading sight and then made our way to our drop off point, Coolwater Campground.  The canoes were really nice, fiberglass Old Town canoes. 
The trip was beautiful.  The Pine River is so pristine.  We saw four or five houses and only passed under one bridge during our 3 hour trip. We saw some bank swallows and their nest burrows in one if the rock/sand banks.  It was another bird we can add to the "Big Year" list.  Patrick also ID'd a warbler by the call, but we did not get a visual. It was also really fun to spend some time with Alison & Will.  We all agreed that canoeing is a great marriage/trust building activity.  You have to trust your partner and contribute to the well being (AKA staying upright on the water) of the relationship or you will flip and sink!  Here are some photos from the trip:
Patrick had the camera so most of the photos are of the back of me! Glad he got a selfie in though! See how Ruby is dry in the fist couple and then wet all of a sudden in the last one?  Yeah she jumped in.  It was a grand experience for all!
   After the trip we were totally wiped out and took a 3-hour nap. We had a scrumptious dinner of chicken enchilada casserole that Gail made.  Dessert was leftover ice cream and cake! 
   Since the evening was so beautiful we took the boat out of some fishing.  Patrick had a couple of bites in the reeds over by the eagle's nest. No fish made it in the boat though.
This nesting pair of eagles has been present at Pine Lake for years.  It is so majestic to see them fly across the lake.  The loons are still my favorite, but the eagles are a close second favorite. 

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